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Welcome to Amethyst Sage Holistic Herbals

As a Wellbeing Coach & Herbalist I am the conduit between people and plants. Our bodies are not machines they are nature and a reflection of the natural world.

My main area of focus is supporting & empowering women as they journey through the monumental transformation 

that is the Menopause


Hawthorn berries


In today’s modern hectic world, we can easily become out of balance if we don’t look after our self-care and wellbeing, especially when we are on our Menopause journey. As a wellbeing coach & herbalist, I can help and support you back into balance and help you maintain that balance on your journey, using traditional herbalism, flower remedies and suggestions for lifestyle changes tailored to you.

I hold qualifications in Menopause Awareness, Herbal Medicine and Bach Flower Remedies. The Menopause is a topic very close to my heart and I am passionate about raising awareness of this important topic, as well as helping & supporting women during this time. The Menopause is one of the most transformational times in a woman's life and the gateway to our 'Wisdom' Years'.

Stephanie Pound, Wellbeing Coach & Herbalist


My goals as a Wellbeing Coach & Herbalist are simple

Empower & inspire women to take greater control of their self-care and wellbeing during the Menopause

•Re-connect us back to nature and back to ourselves

•To honour and respect our natural world and Mother Nature

The Wisdom Years - Menopause Support Programme

13 Weeks from Chaos to Empowerment

Every woman who reaches the age of 60 will inevitably go through the monumental transformation in their life that is the Menopause. This transformation can affect us physically, emotionally, and even spiritually in some cases, throwing up in the air all that we have held true in our lives so far. 

Every woman’s Menopause journey will be different and the signs that we encounter will change as we travel on the journey, but the more that we make this journey a positive one and empower women to make informed decisions that are right for them the better their journey will be.

I have experienced the chaos that the Menopause brings, and I know that it can often be a lonely and confusing time, which is why I have developed my 'Wisdom Years - Menopause Support Programme' to help other women on their own unique journey. 

My vision is to ensure that women feel supported, informed and empowered to make the best decisions for them on their Menopause journey.


Want to know more?

If you have any questions or queries on how I may help you on your Menopause journey then please get in touch via my contact page.

I offer a free, no obligation, Discovery Call either online or by telephone.


For more details please visit my Contact Me page

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