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Welcome to my series of informative articles & blogs

Taking the angst out of anxiety

July 2022

We all experience some form of anxiety at various points in our lives and it’s all part of our built in ‘fight or flight’ response. We can experience anxiety, for example, when starting a new position, taking exams or presenting to a large audience, but when anxiety rises to such a level that day to day life becomes a real struggle, then help is needed.

I had one client whose anxiety levels were having a major impact on their life, so much so that they ended up being signed off work. On the GAD-7 (General Anxiety Disorder Scoring mechanism) scale they had a score of 16, which indicated severe anxiety. For my client their anxiety manifested in a number of ways –

•They easily became overwhelmed by the simplest of tasks

•They found it hard to concentrate

•They were irritable and experienced frequent emotional outbursts, especially with those close to them

•They were constantly restless and on edge, they found it hard to relax

•Their mind was in constant worry mode, always overthinking things and thinking worse case scenarios all the time – it took my client days to even pluck up the courage to fill their car up with petrol as they constantly worried that there would be long queues, they wouldn’t get in anywhere, they would have a crash. Their constant worrying was exhausting

•They couldn’t sleep properly, often waking up in the night with thoughts running through their mind

•They had low self-esteem and lacked confidence

•They constantly put off doing things

•They would get themselves worked up into such a state going to work that by the time they got there they were almost in tears

It didn’t help that my client was also experiencing depression at the same time, which resulted in their GP just prescribing anti-depressants and putting them on a long waiting list for therapy. My client knew that anti-depressants were not the answer and that is when they turned to me for help. As well as looking at what herbal preparations and lifestyle changes could support them – in this case nervine relaxants such as lemon balm, passionflower & lavender were useful plus a personalised blend of Bach Flower Remedies – we also worked on where their anxiety was stemming from.

Working with me, my client was able to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of what was going on. They had experienced a lot of change during the previous year including having to move home, the company they worked for going into liquidation and then being sold, their Mum passing away, as well as living through a global pandemic. And on top of all these things they were also going through the biggest change in themselves, the Menopause.

With my help and support, along with personalised herbal preparations, yoga, taking up a new interest, my client took control of their anxiety and also took control of their menopause, which we established was at the root cause. I touch base with my client every now and then to see how they are getting on and they are now in different place to when I first met them. They are worrying less, sleeping so much better, work life has improved, their confidence has increased, and they are stepping out of their comfort zone. Their GAD-7 score is now below 5. They still have the odd worry, but they are now able to put things into perspective and now file their worries away.

Anxiety when it takes hold can be debilitating, and as with other invisible illnesses you can appear totally normal on the outside, but on the inside you are a wreck. This is why it is so important that we continue to raise awareness of mental health and invisible illnesses such as anxiety & depression.

Let Mother Nature Kiss is better

June 2022

When Life’s little mishaps happen, let Mother Nature Kiss it Better.

As well as helping people on their wellbeing journeys, as a herbalist I also love being able to craft with some of the wonderful herbs that Mother Nature has to offer and my favourite things to craft are herbal balms. This Herbal Aid Balm that I have crafted is made with my own blend of herbs especially chosen for their vulnerary (wound-healing) herbal properties, which are macerated in sunflower oil to extract their herbal benefits.

To make the balm I gently macerate the herbs in sunflower oil to extract their herbal properties, then, once strained, I add beeswax to the oil to give the balm its solid texture. Before the balm sets in the tins I add a few drops of Lavender essential oil to give it a little boost. Once set it is ready to jump into action for any of life’s little mishaps – it is great for dry & chapped skin, minor injuries such as cuts, grazes, bruises and burns, minor skin irritations, bites and stings. Being accident prone myself, this is one balm I always keep close at hand!

The herbs in my Herbal Aid balm are the wonderful:

Calendula – Anti-inflammatory, gentle & restoring

Lavender – Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, soothes the body & mind

St John’s Wort – Soothes & restores

Yarrow – The ‘Florence Nightingale’ of the herbal realm, promotes tissue repair.

If you are prone to life’s mishaps like me, or you know someone who is, then the good news is my Herbal Aid Balm is also now available for purchase in my Etsy shop, so you can get Mother Nature to kiss it better.

Oh Sweet Melissa

October 2019

If there is one herb that I am drawn to then it is Melissa officinalis or Lemon Balm as she is more commonly known.

I am a firm believer that plants find us rather than the other way around. My relationship with Lemon Balm began a few years ago when I discovered her growing in amongst the concrete in our front path. I just knew that this was no ordinary ‘weed’ growing, especially when I touched her leaves and got the glorious scent of lemon. Rather than just picking her out and consigning her to the compost heap, I carefully dug her out and placed her in our little herb bed in our back garden. It is here that she has thrived ever since. She is a beautiful herb and ever since she has been in her new home she has been thanking me with the gift of her lemon scented leaves.

Lemon Balm is a herb I have grown to love and use on regular basis – as a vinegar rinse for my fair-to-greying hair and as a tincture or infusion to lift my mood. I also include her in my Calming Blend Bath tea. She is a lovely herb to include as an element in a wellbeing plan where stress and anxiety are indicated. She also has a calming effect on the digestive system helping to ease the digestive imbalances that lead to flatulence and indigestion.

She is a member of the mint (Lamiaceae) family and like any mint she is easy to grow; though like her cousins she does need to be contained in a pot or herb bed if you don’t want her popping up all over your garden. She will grow in almost any soil and in any position, though to get the best from her she prefers a fairly rich moist soil in a sunny spot shaded from the heat of the midday sun. She is at her best in spring and early summer when her leaves are at their freshest and best. She loses some of her lemon scent when her leaves are dried, so fresh leaves are best for an infusion.

Melissa being the Greek for bee, she is also often known as ‘Bee Balm’. Bees love to flock to her summer flowers and drink her sweet nectar – so even if you don’t grow her for yourself at least grow her for the bees. 

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