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Traditional Wisdom for the Modern Age 

For millennia humans and plants have co-existed on this Earth and our ancestors learnt to craft with plants for food, clothing and medicine, passing their wisdom down through the ages. Up to the 20th century herbalism was mainstream in the western world, but with the advances in modern science and medicine we have become disconnected from this traditional wisdom, especially in the western world.


Conventional medicine is great and has made huge leaps and bounds in the treatment of many ailments and diseases, plus a lot of conventional medicine has been derived from the constituents of plants (Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) for example is derived from salicin found in Willow bark and Meadowsweet), but at what cost? As conventional medicines generally only contain the active component to suppress a specific symptom, the side effects they produce sometimes have to be counteracted by additional medicines, which can lead to additional cost and our bodies becoming even more out of balance. Plants have this covered though as they contain a multitude of constituents all working in synergy with one another. Take Meadowsweet for example, it contains salicylic acid, which can cause stomach ulcers, but it also contains other constituents that are indicated to help with stomach ulcers. Our humble Dandelion is also another great example – Dandelion is often used as a diuretic, which can result in depletion of potassium from the body, but Dandelion is also a great source of potassium, replenishing what is lost.


Our ancestors knew this wisdom and that the whole is often greater than the part. They understood that we are nature and that the key to our wellbeing lies in nature, but in our modern age we have become disconnected from nature and ourselves in so many ways and especially disconnected from our cycles and rhythms of life.


Our bodies are not machines they are nature and a reflection of the natural world. Herbs are not just medicine for the body, but also medicine for the mind & soul. As a herbalist I bridge the gap between people and plants and re-connect us once more.


Yarrow & Lavender

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