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My Appr​oach

As a Wellbeing Coach & Herbalist I am the conduit between people and plants. Our bodies are not machines they are nature and a reflection of the natural world. By helping women to tend to their bodies in a holistic way through the traditional support of herbalism & flower remedies, I inspire and empower them to take control of their self-care and wellbeing as they journey through the Menopause. I recognise that everyone is on their own unique Menopause journey and that there is no one-size fits all solution.


I strongly believe that the herbs and plants we find around us hold the key to our self-care and wellbeing, but as long as we respect and nurture them, bringing a sustainable approach into the equation. Using herbs and flower remedies for self-care and wellbeing connects us back to nature and our natural rhythms. Our natural rhythms are often in conflict with today’s modern chaotic world and our hectic life styles, which leads to imbalances and physical ailments, especially when we transition through the Menopause.


Caring for our internal environment naturally helps us to take more care of our external environment and vice-versa.


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